
They are different types of acne:

Mechanica, Pyoderma Faciale, Consort Acne,
Conglobata, Pomade Acne, Acne Rosacea.
But the most common acne we all know is Acne Vulgaris they appear in white heads, black heads and bright red pimples they some times turn into Nodules, Pustules, Cytes, Papules. But don't worry about that what's happening is simple shedding of dead cells and slow process of oil production through the pores from the Sebum connected to the Follicle.

Tips to cure acnes

1. Using acne skin routine twice a day

2. Your skin routine should contain Benzoyl Peroxide,Salicylic acid,Glycolic acid.

3. Use a moisturizer.

4. Try some home remedies like plain yoghurt mixed with a spoonful of honey and apply on face, or plain egg yolk and apply on face.

5. If acne is severe visit the dermatologist already and report your case.

.....Zinny House


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